Hello! I’m Kerstin The Nerd! I’m just an awkward, autistic lady-something-fellow-person. My brain is kinda mushy at this point.
I love the world so much no matter what I say. It doesn’t matter if I don’t understand it, it is so beautiful and magical. I love nature and animals so much… especially all the birds! All birds are cute and little, no matter what.
I cry all the time and it feels like everything overstimulates me. I have PTSD from an abusive marriage and embrace my autism. I like to think that my comics and art are a way for me to share my thoughts and how I perceive the world.
I spend most of my days with my wonderful Doodlebug and birb friends. My life is very simple and quiet, which I love.
I really do hope you will like all my art and comics! 🙂