
HELLO HELLO THERE YOU BEAUTIFUL yet possible drunk CREATURE. Hi it is i. I have some kind of news. Im going to start uploading videos that are exclusive to my website.
I would like to mention that I will be talking about some things that some people may be sensitive to. I will not censor anything. I’ll be talking about abuse, mental health, autism, truama and depression. Everything will be personal. So if any of these matters are not good for you, please do not watch! 
I was getting tired of getting shadow banned from TikTok for saying I was depressed because apparently that promotes self harm… which it does not. I’m venting to others who would like to know they are not alone. There’s other autistic people out there or people with treatment resistant depression… and I wanna share my things with yall! I wanna not be alone too.
And most importantly. I wanna share my stories and point of view. I wanna talk about my truama. I wanna talk about it all. For others and for myself.